Word travels - and you can, too!

Photo: Barcelona, Spain 2019

The great privilege of my life is being invited to share my linguistic and cultural learning experiences to support you on your own path to language fluency.

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Word Traveler.

My name is Julie Dueweke, and language has always been one of my great loves.

It all started in First Grade… with French. School included an hour of French class on most days, and it was my favorite subject. It felt like we were learning a secret code! Being a pretty social child, I wanted to speak this code with my parents - that’s probably when my teaching instincts first took root. Each night I would try and repeat the day’s lesson for my mom as she prepared dinner. She became quite familiar with numbers and greetings during that year! My mom was a skilled and charismatic educator (now retired) but her “languages” were Special Education and Social Studies. I volunteered frequently in her classroom growing up, and I began to learn those languages while working one-on-one with her students.

I finally got to take Spanish when I started high school. Thanks in no small part to having a phenomenal Spanish teacher (thank you, Mrs. Vogel!) I looked forward to Spanish class every day. Eager to make meaningful connections and apply what I was learning, I started volunteering as an English-Language-Learner aid in the same building where my mom taught. I took Spanish all four years in high school, which prepared me to test into 300-level Spanish classes my first semester of college. During the Spring of my sophomore year, I was accepted into our university’s study-abroad program in Burgos, Spain - along with my now-husband! That following August was the beginning of a whirlwind semester abroad. As cliché as it may sound, that one semester changed everything. It was the catalyst which solidified my passion for Spanish and ensured that it would be a permanent fixture in my life. I lived with a Spanish host family while taking classes at the Universidad de Burgos. Our coursework at the university included immersive instruction in Spanish conversation and composition, geography, history, art history, cooking, cinema, theatre, and dance. I fell in love with the Spanish lifestyle, rich history, and diverse peoples. At the risk of sounding sappy, I assert that I left a piece of my heart in that country, and I try to return to visit it as often as I can. To this day, I am still in contact with my “host mom” and we share photos of our kids and updates on our lives. One of the most beautiful moments came in 2019… My husband and I brought our child to visit Spain for the first time, and they actually got to meet my host mom in Burgos! This unique connection and “homecoming” travel experience was all possible because of learning another language.

Fast-forward to the present: I am a Spanish-language tutor, substitute teacher specializing in Spanish and ELL, and overall language enthusiast! My experience in substitute teaching has allowed me to support K-12 student learning in 9 West Michigan school districts beginning in 2010. Some of my favorite and most enriching work as a substitute teacher includes having worked frequently with the Autistic Spectrum program in Grandville Public Schools, and in the Spanish-Immersion program at Forest Hills Ada Vista. It was also my sincere honor to serve Godfrey-Lee Middle and High School as a long-term Spanish substitute teacher. This included teaching 1st- and 2nd-year Beginner Spanish, AP Spanish, Spanish for Native Speakers, and a Psychology elective for which I helped design and teach lessons. I felt inspired to reach and empower new people, so I took my educational services “mainstream.” In the Fall of 2020 I realized the dream of founding my own business, and Word Traveler L.L.C. was born.

I believe that in order to help someone identify and reach their goals, you first have to meet them where they are in that moment. This motivates me to develop personalized, relevant, and user-friendly learning content. I want my clients to be inspired with the value-added experience of a custom-tailored approach as well as individualized support between lessons.

Learners of all levels and abilities are welcome at Word Traveler! I myself have ADHD, so I understand what it feels like to excel with one subject and struggle equally with another. I strive to meet the diverse needs of my clients, paying close attention to individual styles and paces of learning while promoting meaningful connections through areas of personal interest. My goal is to cultivate a safe, collaborative, and engaging learning environment where a growth mindset is modeled and encouraged. I want to make the Spanish language accessible and useful for you!

I am proud to present myself to clients as an experienced instructor and as a well-rounded individual. My educational studies include a Minor in Psychology, as well as coursework in Secondary Education, Speech-Language Pathology, Spanish Linguistics, Spanish and English Literature, and Instrumental Music Performance. I have been privileged to travel to Mexico and Spain, as well as to many states in the USA, several countries in Europe, and short but rewarding visits to the countries of Turkey and Egypt. I swam competitively and played high school and college water polo, and have been a licensed SCUBA diver since the age of 12. For the past 4 years I have served as a Den Leader and Fundraising Chair for our local BSA Cub Scout Pack. Most recently, I earned my Amateur Radio Technician license. And I never stop thinking about where my next adventure might be… ❤️

Let’s explore the world through language and culture! Tell me about what interests you, and I will strive to work those elements into our lessons to help you make meaningful connections across languages.

Photo: FCB Stadium, Barcelona 2019